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Lisa Manheim YogaTherapistandYogaInstructor
Education and Certifiction
Brain Longevity Therapy Training Certification 2018
(for Alzheimer's Prevention)
C-IAYT International Assiciation of Yoga Therapists Certification 2016 E-RYT 500 –Yoga Alliance, CYT –Yoga Life Institute 2012 M.Ed –Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, Pa 1995
MFA –St Martin’s School of Art (London, England) 1981
BA –UCLA –L.A. California 1979
Yoga Training (a brief selection since 2001)
2015 Yoga Anatomy Principles – Leslie Kaminoff 200hr
2014 Veteren’s Yoga Project: Yoga for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
2012 Yoga Therapy Certification - YogaLife Institute 300 + 200 TT = 500 hour Certification (CYT)
2012 + 2014 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - Training
2010 Anatomy Awareness in Asana –Julie Gudmestadt: Iyengar based
2009 Tantra philosophy: Douglas Brooks
2008 Anusara Teacher Training 1 & 11
2004 Advanced Teacher Training Certification with Donna Farhi, Canada
2002 Anatomy of Yoga : Biomechanics of Movement Certification Valerie Kit Love, Kripalu 2006
2001 Teacher training with Thom and Beryl Bender Birch
2001 Teacher Certification: First Series Ashtanga with David Swenson
Yoga / Meditation Instructor:
Bucks County Community College
Adjunct Faculty, Kinesiology, Health & Nursing School 2003- present Rebalance Yoga Therapy / Owner + Therapist 2012-present
Sun Dog Yoga studio, Instructor /workshops 2007-present
Solebury Club: Yoga & Meditation 2009-present
Philadelphia Jewish Children’s Folkshul 2001-present
American Embassy, Tokyo 2005-2006
Tokyo International school 2005-2006 Yogaphoria 2005-2009
Dancers Studio Workshop 2002-2004
Germantown Academy 2002-2005
Doylestown Recreation Program 1999-2001
Central Bucks YMCA 1998-2006 Presentation: SYTAR 2016 Yoga Therapy for Digestive Issues (with a focus on constipation)
Meditations for Veterans
Partner Yoga: The Art of Giving and Receiving Yoga Therapy for Arthritis
Get Things Moving: Yoga for Constipation Exploring the Lymphatic System Yoga Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
Yoga Therapy: Targeting Chronic, Structural & Emotional Issues
Yoga Therapy for Depression
Yoga Therapy for Liver + Detox
Mindfuness Meditation Yoga Therapy for Scoliosis Yoga For a Healthy Back
Happy Feet

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